Player Code of Conduct
As a player for CAHA HOCKEY, I hereby agree to the following:
1. I will strive to have fun learning and playing the game of ice hockey.
2. I will work hard to improve my skills and learn from my coaches.
3. I will work to be a team player and get along with my teammates. I will not criticize my teammates either on the ice, on the bench, or in the locker room.
4. I will display good sportsmanship and discipline during games and practices with teammates and opponents, with team officials, and with game officials.
5. I will be on time for practices and games, and I will notify the coach if I cannot make it to a practice or game.
6. I will be responsible for completing school assignments and studies on a timely basis to minimize conflicts with practices and games, and I will maintain my grades as may be required by the team, my coach or my parents.
7. I will learn the rules of the game from my coaches and my teammates.
8. I will wear the proper protective equipment during all games and practices including a mouthpiece, neck guard, and an unaltered helmet. I will be responsible for my own equipment.
9. I will never argue with an official’s decision.
10. I will dress appropriately for games as determined by the team. I will not wear clothing that is offensive and/or embarrassing to the team.
11. I will show respect for the facilities used by the team including the locker rooms and ice rinks.
12. As a member of a CAHA HOCKEY, I will behave properly and show proper discipline whenever I am with the team, especially in public or at public facilities including restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, etc.
13. I will refrain from taunting opponents and using foul language against opponents, officials, teammates and coaches.
15. I will not use alcohol or tobacco products and I will not use drugs or medications except as prescribed by a doctor or physician and/or administered by a parent or guardian.
16. Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras and video cameras, ARE NOT REPEAT ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BE USED IN THE LOCKER ROOMS, violating this will result in immediate disciplinary action and it is also a violation of the USA Hockey Safesport Policy.
17. I understand that I will be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures by the association, the team, officials and/or my parents for failing to abide by these rules. Penalties can include “benching” or not being allowed to participate in practices or games, penalties during games as assessed by game officials, suspension from games or practices, or suspension from any of the above associations or expulsion from the program. I understand that I have a right to an explanation of any disciplinary action taken or contemplated against me.